Below $1,000 Grant Application Form Organization Name * Organization's Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Organization Email * Primary Contact Name * First Name Last Name Mailing Address * Used for sending payment if organization is selected for a grant. Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Project Title * Introduction * First-time grantees should introduce themselves, indicate which church they attend or describe the ministry the grant is for. This is not necessary if we have already established a relationship with your ministry. Amount of Grant Requested Be as specific as possible Justification How will this project and the grant address the need? Other Funding Sources Since we will not fully fund your project, detail other sources of funding and how you intend to make up for any shortfalls. Date Needed When does your organization require the funds? MM DD YYYY Thank you for submitting your grant application to Stewards Ministries. Your request will be reviewed in the order received. Grant requests are typically reviewed as follows:<$1000 reviewed on a rolling basis>$1000 but <$5000 reviewed within two weeks>$5000 but <$50,000 reviewed monthly>$50,000 reviewed twice annually by the full board of trusteesAll applicants will be contacted regardless of grant amount.