Service Guidelines

We serve assemblies of Christians sometimes called Brethren, Plymouth Brethren, or Christian Brethren. We also work with ministries who serve these Assemblies. These ministries generally demonstrate these practices.

Priesthood of All Believers
The church recognizes and gives opportunity for the manifesting of the priesthood of all believers with no clergy/laity division related to authority.

Plurality of Leadership
The church is committed to the concept of a plurality of leadership, usually demonstrated by a group of elders with equal authority who lead as shepherds under the headship of Christ.

Autonomous Government
The church or organization is independent of any controlling organization or other affiliation, is autonomous in its government.

Weekly Lord’s Supper
The church remembers the Lord in a weekly celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Orthodox Statement of Faith
The church or organization has a statement of faith consistent with the Stewards Ministries' Statement of Faith.

Association with other Plymouth Brethren churches
The church or organization is known among and associated with Brethren Assemblies in a meaningful way (board members, constituency, etc.).